Saturday, October 1, 2005

My Poor Brain

there are important thoughts rattling around in my head all day; cool ideas, new concepts, fresh ways to perceive the world; epiphanies. most of the time, they are silenced quickly, pushed aside by bigger thoughts -- the ones that seem more "real" and urgent -- the ones that deal directly with work or career or money or food or the promise of a fun night out with pretty girls.
even now as i write this, all the brilliant musings i was going to type are being pushed aside, as i am being i.m.'ed by a couple friends -- what the hell are they doing up this late anyway?

the point i was eventually going to make was that i used to have beautiful thoughts -- and i had the ability to write most of them out and share them with people, and i totally think i've lost that talent. and things that used to inspire me to write and be creative simply don't anymore. maybe i'm just out of practice, maybe i'm all caught up with my "worldly worries" more now than ever, or maybe i'm just getting old.

whatever the reason -- it makes me sad -- as many things do these days...

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